Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Hello Yogis! We're gonna open up the Namayay mailbag. Today's Topic is Hamstring Flexibility and how doing Yoga can make that happen so you can go back to Yoga and show off your flexible hamstrings that you got from doing Yoga. It's a cyclical thing.

JIM CATAPANO of New York writes, "Dear Jim. My hamstrings would make Hanuman cry. I have to microbend my knees like crizazy, my splits are lame, and my wide legged folds? Well Jim, you couldn't send a gerbil crawling through my legs, that's how not wide legged they are. Please help, Jim."

Well Jim, first of all your small mammal imagery is troubling and we would rather not be informed about your particular proclivities in this area. On to your hamstrings, there are things you can do but it will take time.

Lie down. On your mat. No, the other way. Ok, bend your left knee, foot on the floor, and bring your right leg straight into the air. Yes, use a strap, Mr. Gerbil we already know your hamstrings are crap. Place your left hand at the back of the right thigh, bring your knee towards your chest, and push your right heel upwards. Hold for three breaths and do the left leg.

Repeat until you have good hamstrings.